Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 8, 2012

haeahn architecture: seoul memorial park

'seoul memorial park' by haeahn architects, seoul, south korea
all image s courtesy of haeahn architects
image © park youngchae

hidden in a valley among the woo-myun mountains, korean practice haeahn architecture has erected the 'seoul memorial park'.
the crematorium sculpts the landscape with a new ethos to conclude life's journeys in a peaceful and natural environment.
the path to the building is deeply rooted in the site, gradually growing and peeling out of the ground so as not to disrupt the serenity
of the topography, eventually leading to a descending winding roof structure. the progression through the sequence of spaces marks the
different stages of passing, all focused around a comforting black-stone reflecting pool. the long exterior entry driveway opens to the
procession hallway, clad in neutral polished marble tiles. large vaulted ceilings and indirect lighting create a spiritual ambiance with
a dramatic crescendo at the crematorium hall and finally a meandering garden brings one back to nature, to be reminded of the natural
cycle of time as is present in the surrounding panorama.

aerial view
image © park youngchae

reflecting pool
image © park youngchae

arrival driveway
image © park youngchae

procession path
image © park youngchae

(left) farewell room
(right) cremation hall

images © park youngchae

aerial view

site plan

floor plan / level 0




image © park youngchae


image © park youngchae

project info:

date of completion: 2012
site area: 36,000 m2
gfr: 18,000 m2
client: seoul municipal facilities management corporation
2009 winning competition entry and 2012 built project by haeahn

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