Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 10, 2010

Housing Complex in Lille Evokes Rice Fields Geometry / Saison-Menu Architects

By: admin | September - 25 - 2010

Innovative French architectural firm Saison-Menu unveiled a striking housing project in Lille, France conceived as a series of green terraces based on traditional rice fields in Asia.  The segmentation of the building mass produces porous programmatic blocks with a strong sculptural form that will impact the site in an urban and domestic scale. The division between buildings allows for a grand urban opening with recreational areas at ground floor. The residences benefit from excellent views to the city and stunning green terraces that control the air flow and light incidence through the entire complex.
Client : SAEM Euralille
Team : Luc Saison, Isabelle Menu, Pierre-Antoine Sahuc, Olivier Riauté, Yannick Troubat

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