Thứ Ba, 3 tháng 5, 2011

JDS’ proposal for BEIRUT TERRACES, Lebanon updated from
Beirut Terraces

Axonometric View




JDS’ proposal for BEIRUT TERRACES, Lebanon

JDS’ proposal for BEIRUT TERRACES, Lebanon

JDS’ proposal for BEIRUT TERRACES, Lebanon

JDS’ proposal for BEIRUT TERRACES, Lebanon

JDS’ proposal for BEIRUT TERRACES, Lebanon

JDS’ proposal for BEIRUT TERRACES, Lebanon

JDS’ proposal for BEIRUT TERRACES, Lebanon

JDS’ proposal for BEIRUT TERRACES, Lebanon

Site Plan

Model View

Model View

Model View
Project Details:
Location: Beirut, Lebanon
Function: Hotels - Public
Architects: JDS Architects -
Type: Invited Competition, Master plan
Size: 36 000 M2
Budget: 150 000 000 USD
Client: STOW / IDEA
Collaborators: Rafik El-Khoury, NONCE
Status: Settled

The Marina, Hotel, Condominium, Villa’s and Park Resort project one unifying logic that can stand out as a clear iconic and unifying scheme for a prominent site in Beirut.
While each element stands unique in its characteristics and parameters, we combine them in a bold and logical language. The hotel requires beachfront views and easy access to the waterfront terraces. The villas require a more serene and peaceful view of the sea hidden away from the road and far enough away from the hotel not to experience any noise. The condominiums need are placed away from the villas and treated in such a way that they become an autonomous entity. Each of these factors are separated by landscape; a large cliff divides the villas from the condominiums, a quiet park separates the hotel from the condos. Each hermetic piece of the jigsaw matches the conditions in single harmonious jigsaw.
A waving-weave pattern is used as the master-planning device as it is easily manipulated for change. By creating a flexible master-plan system you can change or adapt the idea to market forces over time, planning demands, user feedback, or client wishes without changing the overall concept or identity of the project. This gives us the opportunity to work with our design team and our client over the next number of months to find the right ecological, social and financial solution for the site in order to make a fantastic project and guarantee a profitable return for the client.
Project Credits:
Julien De Smedt – Andrew Griffin – Robert Huebser – Ryan Neiheiser
Ali Basbous – Johan Tristan Kinnucan – Ichen Lee – Federico Pedrini – Felix Luong – Amelie Bonnet Villalonga – Scott Corey
- Wouter Dons – Paul Cristophe Gay – Ryoko Ikeda – Lucy Jones – Pierre Jean Le Maitre – Heechan Park – Andreia Teixeira
- Francisco Villeda – Mimmi Wide Gustafson

Source: JDS Architects - www.jdsarchitect

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