Thứ Sáu, 19 tháng 11, 2010

Winners of the TEX-FAB Repeat Digital Fabrication Competition

By: admin | November - 18 - 2010

The winners of the TEX-FAB Repeat Digital Fabrication Competition has been announced. The jury consisting of Patrik Schumacher, Marc Fornes, Lisa Iwamoto, Chris Lasch,  and Blair Satterfield decided that the winning project that will be built for the TEX-FAB Event in Houston in February 2011 was “Minimal Complexity” designed by Vlad Tenu. The Jury selected 1 Winner, 4 Runners-Up and 7 Honorable Mentions which will be exhibited along  the winner.
Minimal Complexity – Winner
Vlad Tenu

Along with its aesthetic beauty, technical superiority and elegance of detailing, the proposal was chosen because it employs structural robustness, material efficiency and an inherent logic of assembly.  A minimal periodic surface structure is created with the repetition of only 16 different components.  A macro-scaled modular cellular pattern emerges through symmetry that is infinitely expandable and open-ended while becoming differentiated at its edges.  Ornament functions as a simultaneous expression of the whole and the part working in dynamic equilibrium.
tetra|N – Runner-up
Glenn Wilcox and Anca Trandafirescu

TEXtile – Runner-up
Vasilena Vassilev & Clare Olsen

vFlow – Runner-up
Peter Romvari

Calculated Pull – Runner-up
Christina Ciardullo & Naomi Ocko

spülenkorb – Honorable Mention
Gabriel Esquivel, Ryan Collier and Michael Tomaso

Bow - Honorable Mention
Yan Gao, Ning Duo and Qiang Chang

aztekium hintonii – Honorable Mention
Daniel Segraves and Brent Watanabe
Hauer Redux – Honorable Mention
Ripon DeLeon and Noah Greer

SEaMM – Honorable Mention
Benjamin Ruswick

Bone Machine – Honorable Mention
Jonathan Chertok

Material Theatricality – Honorable Mention
Jenny Kwon, Rebecca Qin and Chris Bickerton

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