Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 9, 2012

Kid’s University in Gandía design by Paredes Pedrosa

Architects: Paredes Pedrosa
Location: Valencia, Spain
Design Team: Ángela García de Paredes, Ignacio Pedrosa
Project Year: 2011
Photographs: Roland Halbe, Luis Asín
Project Area: 1,075 sqm
Collaborators: Álvaro Oliver, Álvaro Rábano, Lucía Guadalajara, Ángel Camacho, Laura Pacheco
Technical Control: Antonio García Blay
Structure: Alfonso G. Gaite. GOGAITE, S.L.
Mechanical Engineer: JG S.A.
Client: Municipality of Gandía
The Kid University in Gandía (UPI) is an experimental initiative proposed by the Municipality of Gandía. The UPI is not a conventional kindergarten, but a group of specialized classrooms and workshops located in a natural setting where kids can develop their creativity and have fun beyond a school context.
The proposed volume does not alter the Ausías March Park’s layout. Indeed, it respects the position of six existing white mulberry trees, arranging the classrooms around them and shaping a central lobulated courtyard. This courtyard will be the core of the Kid University, linking open spaces, covered areas and indoor rooms. Towards the exterior, the building exhibits a sober and continuous facade, serving as a sort of palisade, that avoids building up fences, built up with ceramic tiles.