Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 12, 2010

Kaohsiung Port Terminal by Reiser + Umemoto Posted: Monday, December 13, 2010 | ↓ post a comment

Last Friday, Reiser + Umemoto, in collaboration with Fei and Cheng and Associates (Taipei), Ysrael A. Seinuk, PC (New York) and Arup (Hong Kong), were announced First Prize winners in the Kaohsiung Port and Cruise Service Center International Competition. Today, the architects also sent us first images and a description of their winning project.
This new development will be located in the city of Kaohsiung in southern Taiwan, ROC.
View from land
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View from land
Project Description:
For the Kaohsiung Port Terminal, we propose a dynamic 3-dimensional urbanism that takes advantage of the site’s unique lateral positioning with respect to the city grid.  Existing public pedestrian flows along the proposed elevated boardwalk can be amplified, rather than interrupted by creating a continuous elevated public esplanade along the waterfront. Cruise and ferry functions, meanwhile, are located just below the public level and are kept distinct to maintain secure areas for departing/arriving passengers.
View from water
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View from water
The Main Hall splits up into three different partitions, each related to a different itinerary for travelling by ship, while the concourses are oriented parallel to the waterfront to maximize the interface between water and land.  By vertically separating the functions of the general public, port business, and travelers along this waterfront edge we are able to keep the various operational uses highly efficient while at the same time allowing for the synergy of mixed functions for the general public.
Model perspective
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Model perspective
Vertical circulation is organized around thickened zones in the building’s skin which also house structure, utilities, and ventilation. The structure is a system of nested, long-span shells, which are composed of an underlying steel pipe space frame which is sandwiched by cladding panels to create a useable cavity space.  Overall an experience of directed yet funactionally separated flows will lend an aura of energy to the point terminal space.
Model elevation
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Model elevation
An essential component to the vitality of the Port Terminal Project is the connection to a proposed elevated public space along the waters’ edge. The importance of this waterfront space which is distinct yet connected to the city of Kaohsiung is inestimable.
Model lit
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Model lit
The boardwalk links the new Pop Music Center, the arts and shopping districts within a green necklace along the waterfront. The boardwalk will be a 24 hour space that fosters shopping, dining, and recreation. Moreover, connection to this vital public conduit will ensure the continuous economic viability of the port terminal, sustaining and amplifying the periodic maritime uses of the cruise terminal and ferries.
Model boardwalk
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Model boardwalk
The project is scheduled for construction in 2012 and expected to be in operation by 2014, with a construction budget of approximately $85,000,000 USD.  The competition is sponsored by the Kaohsiung Harbor Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Taiwan, ROC.
Section longitudinal
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Section longitudinal
Site Plan
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Site Plan
Main level plan - cruise departures
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Main level plan - cruise departures
G+3 level plan

Thứ Sáu, 10 tháng 12, 2010

Karlusic Residence by Hirsch Bedner Associates

Hirsch Bedner Associates have designed the Karlusic Residence in Melbourne, Australia.
Karlusic Residence by Hirsch Bedner Associates
There is a 30yr old Japanese Maple,  in the front yard, which is quite an impressive tree and I didn’t want to remove the tree and therefore based the design around the Japanese Maple and nature.
The forms of the house are very basic and simple! I did not want to attract attention to the architecture but emphasis the nature around it and the positioning of the Japanese Maple. The Japanese Maple basically set the stage! There is what I call the spine of the House which runs the down the length of the house. This spine actually lines up with the Japanese Maple and creates a direction and an importance on the Japanese Maple. Whenever you cross the spine of the house you basically cross the energy of the Maple. When looking towards the house there is a simple rectangular upright form which is finished in a  light warm grey lime wash which acts as a simple backdrop to the Maple and creates a strong contrast in color. The lime-wash is the general finish to the whole house and gives the appearance of a weathered carved rock. There are other selected highlighted walls which are finished in a sawn-cut bluestone once again emphasizing natural finishes.
The back of the house is where the garage is situated I didn’t want to emphasis the garage door, I wanted to hide the door and decided to clad the whole garage in  a  natural zinc finish that weathers to a subtle grey patina. The garage door is concealed and flushed to the zinc cladding, creating a wall of cassette cladded zinc panels. The concept of not visually exposing the doors to the outside was deliberate as I wanted to emphasize the simplicity of the forms and quieten the whole structure. The architectural forms were conceived as  large blocks of carved rock. windows and entrances as the carved openings.
There are numerous landscaped elements, such as the textured water wall along the steps towards the front entry, a shallow reflective pond with Gold fish and turtles, segmented raised platforms with each platform holding a different form of plant-life, and with the middle platform holding sand with a 3mx.6m old solid wood pier beam that was recycled from the docklands piers. this quietly sits on the sand as a representation of  natures deterioration over time. The letterbox in itself is a sculpture and was thought of as sculptural entry lantern, the pattern was derived from vein structure of a leaf. the sculpture was created by Lump studio a renowned sculpture studio in Melbourne who have completed a number of public installations around Melbourne.
The front horizontal wall is fully cladded in a stepped patterned bluestone, and only has 2 slotted windows aligned to the Japanese maple and forms the spine through the house. This wall is facing west and is then perfectly suited to combat the western harsh sun but at the same time acts as a natural finished backdrop to the landscape.
The house from the outside feels quite defensive but as soon as you enter the space it opens up and you have an internal courtyard with a lap pool and a line a bamboo running down the full length of the north boundary. The courtyard is surrounded by the living spaces and therefore you are able to enjoy the views to the courtyard no matter which room you are in. There is fireplace in one of the out rooms which is disconnected from the main building. This fireplace has a glass backing and can be viewed from the courtyard and from any other living space on the ground floor. Visual connection from all rooms but sound separation was important to create a sense of peace.
The interior finishes are quite warm and natural. The timber floor is a French  smoked Oak wide board in a lime-wash finish, the grains a lime-wash and emphasized this creates texture, pattern and depth. So one side of the spine is finished in the wood and the other is finished in a Portuguese limestone. The split in finishes emphasize the spine but also reflective the different uses in the space. For instances the limestone falls in the higher traffic areas such as the kitchen, dining, laundry, powder room, corridor and study; Whereas the smoke Oak falls in the lower traffic areas, such as the lounge and family fireplace room.
A silver back textured  handmade fabric wallpaper from Japan was also used on certain walls emphasizing different spaces throughout the house, The textured wallpaper has a nice natural finish and adds another layer of depth to the finishes throughout the interior. This is wrapped and emphasized around the stairwell upstairs highlighting a suspend cocoon sculpture. Internally illuminated creating dramatic shadow effects and night. The shadow effects are like sun rays beaming through winter tree twigs.
The House is fully equipped with all modern appliances and technology. I purposely highlighted  technology in reflective metal finishes such as polished chrome and glass to create a stark contrast between  nature and man. The switches are finished in polished chrome with LED blue lights, this creates highlights and sparkle. Appliances are in metal and glass, window frames are in natural aluminum.
The house is also very energy conscious, all windows have Thermal break frames and are double glazed sealed. the floor is insulated underneath with reflective corrugated insulation paper, the house is fully insulated and is solar heated. The floor is low voltage electrically heated which maintains a steady consistent heat throughout the winter. Watertank is installed under the house and is connected to the garden, toilets and washing machine.

Residence in Johannesburg by Design Partnership

South African architectural firm Design Partnership have completed a home in Johannesburg.
